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Senin, 14 Oktober 2013

Bahaya nya minum , Minuman Keras

Bahaya Minuman Keras dan Minuman Beralkohol bagi Remaja

no alcohol
Semua orang mungkin sudah tahu dampak negatif sering mabuk-mabukan bagi kesehatan tubuh. Namun, secara spesifik mungkin belum tentu semua orang tahu. Jangan dibiasakan deh, karena dalam jangka panjang, terlalu sering mengkonsumsi alkohol bisa berakibat sangat fatal. Daripada uang dipakai untuk menabung penyakit berbahaya di usia tua, bagaimana jika uangnya ditabung di Bank sebagai bekal tambahan pensiun? Setuju?
minuman keras
Minuman beralkohol adalah minuman yang mengandung etanol. Etanol adalah bahan psikoaktif dan konsumsinya menyebabkan penurunan kesadaran. minuman keras) adalah minuman yang mengandung alkohol. Tidak semua minuman beralkohol adalah minuman keras meskipun, bir, anggur, minuman malt semuanya mengandung alkohol tetapi tidak minuman keras. Untuk menjadi minuman keras minuman harus disuling dari salah satu minuman fermentasi yang disebutkan di atas. Juga tidak semua alkohol etanol (jenis dapat minum) isopropil alkohol adalah berbeda (alkohol) dan tidak dapat minum. Di berbagai negara, penjualan minuman beralkohol dibatasi ke sejumlah kalangan saja, umumnya orang-orang yang telah melewati batas usia tertentu.
Kemajuan zaman terbukti merubah sebagian besar gaya hidup manusia. Dari mulai cara memenuhi kebutuhan pokok seperti makanan, pakaian, perumahan, kesehatan, dan pendidikan, hingga bagaimana cara mereka memenuhi kebutuhan lainnya. Kebutuhan lain-lain itu seringkali berhubungan dengan gaya hidup, seperti kebutuhan hiburan atau kesenangan. Kebutuhan bersosialisasi dengan manusia lain, hingga kebutuhan diakui eksistensi dirinya. Seperti menjadi sebuah kesepakatan yang diakui oleh umum, bahwa kebutuhan-kebutuhan tersebut seakan selalu beriringan dengan zaman, atau yang disebut trend.
Trend gaya hidup manusia, terutama yang hidup di perkotaan, atau lazim disebut kaum urban, biasanya berubah-ubah sesuai dengan pengaruh dari bangsa atau pihak lain yang dianggap sebagai pemimpin trend, yang kemudian diadaptasi sesuai dengan kebiasaan masyarakat sekitar. Salah satu trend gaya hidup yang berhubungan dengan hiburan, kecenderungan bersosialisasi dan menampilkan eksistensi diri, adalah menyesap minuman beralkohol. Sebetulnya trend ini bukan baru-baru ini saja marak dilakukan di kalangan masyarakat urban, tetapi akarnya sudah ada bahkan sejak zaman kerajaan-kerajaan dan penjajahan Belanda di Indonesia.
Jika pada zaman dulu, kebiasaan minum-minuman beralkohol ini hampir selalu diakhiri dengan mabuk atau perkelahian sadis antarkelompok, sekarang tidak selalu demikian. Mencontoh kebiasaan masyarakat Perancis atau Yunani yang konon jarang mabuk meski minum bersloki-sloki anggur (wine), masyarakat urban kita pun mulai mencoba beradaptasi. Kalangan atas mencoba memusatkan kegiatan ini di tempat-tempat khusus seperti winery atau lounge/club khusus yang menyediakan wine cellar yang harganya bisa sangat mahal. Biasanya ini berlokasi di hotel-hotel atau klub berbintang.
Di sini mereka minum sambil tetap berusaha menjaga etiket dan tata cara yang berlaku. Namun tak jarang, beberapa diantara mereka pulang dalam keadaan setengah sadar atau pusing luar biasa, namun tetap memaksakan diri tetap terlihat bugar. Beberapa insiden kecelakaan lalu lintas tercatat disebabkan kelakuan pengemudi yang mabuk atau setengah sadar. Belakangan diketahui bahwa mereka baru selesai melakukan pesta miras atau wine di klub atau lounge tertentu.
Di kalangan menengah, tradisi minum minuman beralkohol juga semakin meningkat. Terbukti dengan penjualan minuman keras kategori A (0-5%) di berbagai minimarket. Bahkan di beberapa minimarket dan gerai impor terdapat minuman keras sejenis Baileys yang berkadar alkohol lebih dari 5%. Repotnya lagi, nyaris tak ada pengawsan ketat bagi pengunjung dan pembeli. Ada beberapa minimarket impor yang menjadi tempat kongkow anak-anak remaja usia belasan. Rata-rata mereka memang hanya minum segelas dua gelas minuman bersoda, namun tentu tak menutup kemungkinan beberapa diantara mereka penasaran ingin mencoba Green Sands (kurang dari 2%), San Miguel (1%) , Smirnoff (40%), Baileys (17%), atau Heineken/Bir Bintang/Pilsener (5%) yang terpajang bebas di situ.
Fenomena di kalangan bawah juga tak kalah mengerikan. Pesta miras yang dilakukan para pelajar usia belasan telah banyak mengambil korban. Tindak kejahatan yang dilakukan pasca mengudap atau menyesap miras, dan tindak asusila, sudah beberapa kali terjadi. Terakhir ada kabar tentang beberapa anak remaja tanggung yang membunuh tukang gorengan hanya karena si tukang gorengan enggan memberi mereka kudapan gratis yang akan digunakan untuk pesta miras dan narkoba.
Maraknya peredaran minuman keras di Indonesia yang seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan (hukum supply and demand) tak lepas dari penegakan hukum dan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang bahaya minuman keras. Kesadaran masyarakat tentang pentingnya gaya hidup sehat kalah dengan keinginan mengikuti trend. Keinginan mengikuti trend jauh lebih dipedulikan ketimbang penyadaran dari berbagai pihak, termasuk kalangan agamawan.
Negara sendiri sebetulnya telah memberikan batasan secara umum tentang jenis-jenis minuman keras dan peraturan memperjualbelikannya. Menurut Keputusan Presiden no 3 tahun 1997, minuman keras terbagi dalam 3 kategori: Kategori A yang berkadar hingga 5% seperti Bir Bintang, Green Sands, Anker Bir, San Miguel, dan lain-lain. Kategori B adalah yang mengandung kadar alkohol 5-20% seperti Anggur Malaga, Anggur Kolesom cap nomor 39, Anggur Orang Tua, Creme Cacao, dan sejenisnya. Kategori C adalah yang berkadar antara 20-55% seperti Mansion of House, Scotch Brandy, Vodka, dan sejenisnya. Golongan A dapat dijual umum, sedangkan kategori B dan C harus melalui pengawasan yang ketat.
Bila dikonsumsi berlebihan, minuman beralkohol dapat menimbulkan efek samping ganggguan mental organik (GMO), yaitu gangguan dalam fungsi berpikir, merasakan, dan berprilaku. Timbulnya GMO itu disebabkan reaksi langsung alkohol pada sel-sel saraf pusat. Karena sifat adiktif alkohol itu, orang yang meminumnya lama-kelamaan tanpa sadar akan menambah takaran/dosis sampai pada dosis keracunan atau mabuk.
Mereka yang terkena GMO biasanya mengalami perubahan perilaku, seperti misalnya ingin berkelahi atau melakukan tindakan kekerasan lainnya, tidak mampu menilai realitas, terganggu fungsi sosialnya, dan terganggu pekerjaannya. Perubahan fisiologis juga terjadi, seperti cara berjalan yang tidak mantap, muka merah, atau mata juling. Perubahan psikologis yang dialami oleh konsumen misalnya mudah tersinggung, bicara ngawur, atau kehilangan konsentrasi.
Efek samping terlalu banyak minuman beralkohol juga menumpulkan sistem kekebalan tubuh. Alkoholik kronis membuat jauh lebih rentan terhadap virus termasuk HIV. Mereka yang sudah ketagihan biasanya mengalami suatu gejala yang disebut sindrom putus alkohol, yaitu rasa takut diberhentikan minum alkohol. Mereka akan sering gemetar dan jantung berdebar-debar, cemas, gelisah, murung, dan banyak berhalusinasi.
Misalnya, kandungan alkohol di atas 40 gram untuk pria setiap hari atau di atas 30 gram untuk wanita setiap hari dapat berakibat kerusakan pada organ/bagian tubuh peminumnya. Misalnya, kerusakan jaringan lunak yang ada di dalam rongga mulut, seputar tenggorokan, dan di dalam sistem pencernaan (di dalam perut). Organ tubuh manusia yang paling rawan akibat minuman keras adalah hati atau lever. Seseorang yang sudah terbiasa meminum minuman beralkohol, apalagi dengan takaran yang melebihi batas, setahap demi setahap kadar lemak di dalam hatinya akan meningkat.
Akibatnya hati harus bekerja lebih dari semestinya untuk mengatasi kelebihan lemak yang tidak larut di dalam darah. Dampak lebih lanjut adalah kelebihan timbunan lemak di dalam hati akan memakan hati sehingga selnya akan mati. Kalau tidak cepat diobati akan terjadi sirosis atau pembentukan parut yang akan menyebabkan fungsi hati berkurang dan menghalangi aliran darah ke dalam hati.
Satu hal yang paling mengerikan kalau keadaan ini tidak cepat diobati yakni berkembang menjadi kanker hati. Tidak hanya bagian lever yang akan rusak atau tidak berfungsi, bagian lain seperti otak pun bisa terganggu. Hal itu membuktikan bahwa minuman keras juga mengakibatkan penyakit yang bisa membawa kematian.
Kelebihan minuman keras menyebabkan kadar alkohol di dalam darah lebih meningkat, disusul kerusakan sel-sel syaraf yang berfungsi membangun blok-blok otak. Kalau saja kandungan alkohol di dalam otak lebih dari 0,5%, pemiliknya akan mudah dan cepat terkena stroke, kemudian menyebabkan koma dan berakhir dengan kematian yang cukup tragis dan menyedihkan. Kalaupun dampaknya tidak stragis itu, minimal kelumpuhan akan terjadi dan sukar untuk disembuhkan kembali karena sel-sel otak sudah rusak. Selain itu juga bisa terjadi osteoporosis atau pengeroposan tulang.
Dampak yang sangat membahayakan bagi peminum alkohol adalah mempercepat fase menopause pada wanita dan gangguan nyeri ataupun gejala membahayakan lainnya pada saat datang bulan (haid). Sementara bagi wanita hamil yang banyak minum alkohol melalui minuman keras, salah satu akibat yang mengerikan adalah apa yang disebut fetal alcohol syndrome yang antara lain bayi yang akan dilahirkannya mengalami retardasi mental. Minuman keras, apalagi yang dibuat setempat dengan nama tuak, ciu, dan sebagainya, bisa lebih berbahaya. Hal ini karena pembuatannya tidak terkontrol secara baik, juga penggunaan bahan baku yang tidak murni dan tidak benar. Di dalamnya bukan saja akan terkandung etil-alkohol (etanol) yang sesuai dengan persyaratan, tetapi juga metil-alkohol (metanol) yang berbahaya bagi kesehatan.
Sejauh mana pemahaman masyarakat akan bahaya miras bagi diri sendiri dan lingkungannya? Salah satu tindak pencegahan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah ialah melakukan sosialisasi kepada generasi muda, terutama kalangan pelajar yang sangat rentan terpengaruh. Penyuluhan tersebut membahas mengenai pengenalan jenis-jenis minuman keras dan Narkoba, bahaya minuman keras dan Narkoba terhadap generasi muda, serta pencegahan peredaran minuman keras dan Narkoba.
Memberikan materi tentang pengaruh dan pencegahan peredaran minuman keras. Remaja sangat rentan terhadap pengaruh penyalahgunaan miras karena remaja memiliki rasa ingin tahu yang tinggi dan ingin mencoba hal-hal baru. Oleh karena itu diperlukan pemahaman yang jelas tentang bahaya miras baik bagi diri sendiri, keluarga, dan lingkungan sekitar. Bagi diri sendiri, miras dapat merusak sistem syaraf dan organ vital pada tubuh manusia, bagi keluarga miras dapat memicu konflik karena emosi seseorang yang mengkonsumsi miras cenderung lebih tinggi, bagi lingkungan dapat memicu tindak kriminal karena kebutuhan atau desakan ekonomi dapat mempengaruhi psikologis peminum untuk melakukan tindak penodongan, pencurian, ataupun pembunuhan. Dengan mengetahui bahaya yang ditimbulkan, diharapkan melalui penyuluhan ini remaja dapat membentengi diri dan mampu menolak ajakan untuk mecoba minuman keras.
Setelah mendapat penjelasan dari nara sumber, diharapkan pengetahuan remaja tentang bahaya minuman keras dan narkoba menjadi bertambah. Remaja yang telah mendapatkan pelatihan ini, dapat menyebarluaskan informasi kepada masyarakat sehingga pencegahan peredaran/penggunaan minuman keras dan narkoba dapat dilakukan dengan baik.
Bagaimana peran masyarakat dalam pernyebaran akan bahaya miras dan harapannya kepada pemerintah dalam mengkampanyekan serta menyikapi bahaya miras? Akhir-akhir ini miras dan minol semakin meraja lela saja, semakin hari semakin banyak remaja Indonesia yang terkena dampaknya. Minuman ini merusak tubuh dan otak mereka, sehingga perilaku mereka pun berubah drastis, yang tadinya biasa saja menjadi tidak terkontrol. Banyak sekali pemberitaan tentang para remaja yang meninggal karena miras dan minol. Mereka tidak menyadari jika tubuh mereka sedang di gerogoti oleh zat yang terkandung di dalam alkohol. Dimana zat-zat itu membunuh sel-sel di tubuh mereka, membekukan aliran darah sehingga oksigen tidak akan mengalir ke seluruh tubuh dengan baik, dan ketika mencapai otak bagian dalam, maka sampai di situlah perjalanan hidup mereka di dunia.
Namun, kita tidak bisa menyalahkan perbuatan mereka seutuhnya, karena semua pihak bertanggung jawab, baik itu orang tua, guru, masyarakat maupun pemerintah. Orang tua yang mendidik di rumah, guru yang mendidik di sekolah, kepedulian masyarakat terhadap sesama dan pemerintah sebagai pembuat aturan yang menyeluruh. Jika semua pihak tersebut bisa berkolaborasi denga baik, maka para remaja bisa di selamatkan dari miras dan minol.
Khusunya untuk pemerintah, aturan yang berlaku sangat di harapkan ketegasannya. Jika pemerintah tegas maka miras dan minol tidak mungkin bisa di dapatkan dengan mudah. Alangkah baiknya jika pemerintah bisa melakukan penyuluhan yang rutin kepada seluruh masyarakat melalui aparaturnya, mulai dari tingkat atas sampai bawah. Sehingga bisa di lakukan pencegahan dini terhadap ancaman miras dan minol bagi para remaja. Selama ini belum terlihat adanya penyuluhan ataupun peringatan terhadap miras dan minol secara menyeluruh, karena masih bersifat pusat dan berkutat di kota-kota besar saja.
Dengan aturan yang terlaksana dengan baik memungkinkan suatu kondisi lingkungan yang kondusif dan teratur. Sehingga keadaan masyarakat bisa terkontrol dengan baik, dan miraspun tidak akan beredar dengan mudah, karena seseorang akan berpikir dua kali sebelum menjual atau memilikinya. Selain hal itu, bimbingan terhadap masyarakat yang berupa dorongan harus terus di lakukan agar memiliki kepedulian sosial terhadap sesama. Masyarakat sangat tahu bagaimana dampak negatif miras dan minol, baik bagi diri sendiri maupun orang lain, yang mereka ketahui dari berita maupun kejadian yang ada di sekitarnya. Sayangnya, kepedulian mereka masih belum tumbuh dengan baik, sehingga masih ada rasa enggan untuk saling mengingatkan antar sesama. Kebanyakan lebih fokus kepada orang terdekat dan kerabatnya daripada orang lain yang tidak memiliki hubungan kekerabatan.
Banyak cara yang dianjurkan untuk menangkal ancaman miras dan minol, seperti bimbingan agama dan pemilihan teman bergaul. Kedua cara tersebut dirasa paling bagus, tetapi semua kembali kepada diri seseorang, karena seseorang berbeda-beda tingkatan ketetapan hatinya. Banyak yang sudah berhenti, tetapi kembali lagi karena ajakan temannya, sehingga kedua cara tersebut membutuhkan lingkungan yang pas. Karena tidak semua orang akan berada pada lingkungan yang sama. Oleh karena itu, kedua hal tersebut membutuhkan pelengkap yaitu peraturan pemerintah, seperti yang sudah di jelaskan sebelumnya. Penulis sangat yakin jika pemerintah tegas maka semua akan bisa teratasi, karena bagaimanapun gencarnya masyarakat mengkampanyekan anti miras dan minol, tanpa tindak lanjut dari pemerintah hasilnya tidak akan maksimal.
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Nenek di tangkap karena mengirim CIPAS REGAL

Nenek Ditangkap Polisi Hendak Kirim Ciu

BANJAR, (PRLM).- Nenek Kat (59) terpaksa berurusan dengan polisi. Warga Wangon, Kabupaten Banyumas, ditangkap karena membawa arak tradisional, ciu yang bakal dijual di Pangandaran, Kabupaten Pangandaran, Jumat (11/10/2013) pukul 7.30 WIB.
Rencana tersebut berhasil digagalkan ketika angkutan umum yang dinaiki Kat dicegat di depan Markas Kepolisian Sektor (Mapolsek) Pataruman Kota Banjar.
Bermula ketika tersangka Kat berangkat dari rumah menuju Kota Banjar dengan naik bus. Tersangka membawa karung yang berisi 85 kantong plastik. Di terminal Kota Banjar, Kat turun dari bus dan bermaksud meneruskan perjalanan ke Pangandaran.
Tersangka kemudian meneruskan perjalanan dengan angkutan lainnya. Ketika kendaraan melaju di Jalan raya Banjar - Pangandaran, tetapnya di depan Mapolsek Pataruman yang kondisinya menanjak, kendaraan yang ditumpangi Kat serta beberapa orang lainnya dihentikan petugas. Ketika dilakukan penggeledahan, polisi menemukan satu karung yang berisi puluhan kantong plastik berisi ciu.
"Kami menerima informasi dari masyarakat ada calon penumpang yang bakal meneruskan perjalanan ke selatan, membawa karung berisi ciu. Dari dalam angkutan yang ditumpangi Kat, kami menemukan satu karung berisi puluhan kantong plastik berisi ciu," ungkap Kapolsek Pataruman, Inspektur Polisi Satu Asep Supiyan.
Dia memerkirakan praktik pengiriman tersebut, sudah dilakukan lebih dari sekali. Alasannya ciu tersebut dikemas rapi, sehingga aromanya tidak begitu tercium dari luar. "Kami masih minta keterangan pemilik barang tersebut," tuturnya.
Sementara Kat di depan petugas mengaku ciu yang dikemas dalam kantong plastik berisi satu liter ciu tersebut bakal dikirim ke pemesan. yang bersangkutan juga mengaku sebagai pembuat ciu.
"Kalau ada yang pesan, langsung dikirim. Satu kantong plastik dijual Rp 15.000. Saya juga tidak tahu jika dijual lagi," ungkapnya.
Selain Pangandaran, pemesan ciu atau arak tradisional tersebut juga dipesan beberapa warung di Kecamatan Banjarsari. Diperkirakan pengiriman ciu tersebut sudah berlangsung lama. (A-101/A-88)***

Minggu, 13 Oktober 2013


Jack Daniel's

Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas
Langsung ke: navigasi, cari
Jack Daniel Distillery, Lem Motlow Prop, Inc.
Jenis Perusahaan publik
Industri Minuman
Didirikan Lynchburg, Tennessee, AS (1875)
Pendiri Jack Daniel
Kantor pusat Lynchburg, Tennessee, AS
Tokoh penting Jack Daniel (Pendiri)
Produk Minuman keras
Laba bersih $121,700,000
Karyawan 365
Induk Brown-Forman Corporation
Situs web www.jackdaniels.com
Jack Daniel's merupakan sebuah perusahaan yang menghasilkan berbagai macam produk minuman keras. Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tahun 1875. Berbadis di Lynchburg, Tennessee. Perusahaan ini mempekerjakan 365 pegawainya.
Pendirinya adalah Jack Daniel dan merupakan merek whiski terlaris di dunia.


Brandy (from brandywine, derived from Dutch brandewijn, "burnt wine")[1] is a spirit produced by distilling wine. Brandy generally contains 35–60% alcohol by volume (70–120 US proof) and is typically taken as an after-dinner drink. Some brandies are aged in wooden casks, some are coloured with caramel colouring to imitate the effect of aging, and some brandies are produced using a combination of both aging and colouring.
Brandy is also produced from fermented fruits other than grapes, but these products are typically named eaux-de-vie, especially in French.
In some countries, fruit flavouring or some other flavouring may be added to a spirit that is called "brandy".



Brandy may be served neat or on the rocks (over ice cubes). It may be added to other beverages to make several popular cocktails; these include the Brandy Sour, the Brandy Alexander, the Sidecar, the Brandy Daisy, and the Brandy Old Fashioned.
In western countries, brandy is traditionally drunk neat at room temperature from a snifter or a tulip glass.[2] In parts of Asia, it is usually drunk on the rocks.
When drunk at room temperature, it is often slightly warmed by holding the glass cupped in the palm or by gentle heating. Excessive heating of brandy may cause the alcohol vapour to become too strong, causing its aroma to become overpowering. Brandy drinkers who like their brandy warmed may ask for the glass to be heated before the brandy is poured.


  • Flavoured brandy is added to enhance the flavour of desserts, including cake and pie toppings.
  • Flavoured brandy is commonly added to apple dishes.
  • Brandy is a common deglazing liquid used in making pan sauces for steak and other meat.
  • Brandy is used to create a more intense flavour in some soups, notably onion soup.
  • Brandy is used to flambé the Crêpe Suzette while serving.


Brandy was an important ingredient in many patent medicines such as Daffy's Elixir.


The origins of brandy were clearly tied to the development of distillation. Concentrated alcoholic beverages were known in ancient Greece and Rome. Brandy, as it is known today, began to appear in the 12th century and became generally popular in the 14th century.
Initially wine was distilled as a preservation method and as a way to make it easier for merchants to transport. It is also thought that wine was originally distilled to lessen the tax which was assessed by volume. The intent was to add the water removed by distillation back to the brandy shortly before consumption. It was discovered that after having been stored in wooden casks, the resulting product had improved over the original distilled spirit.[3] In addition to removing water, the distillation process led to the formation and decomposition of numerous aromatic compounds, fundamentally altering the composition of the distillate from its source. Non-volatile substances such as pigments, sugars, and salts remained behind in the still. As a result, the taste of the distillate was often quite unlike that of the original source.
As described in the 1728 edition of Cyclopaedia, the following method was used to distill brandy:[4]
A cucurbit was filled half full of the liquor from which brandy was to be drawn and then raised with a little fire until about one sixth part was distilled, or until that which falls into the receiver was entirely flammable. This liquor, distilled only once, was called spirit of wine or brandy. Purified by another distillation (or several more), this was then called spirit of wine rectified. The second distillation was made in balneo mariae and in a glass cucurbit, and the liquor was distilled to about one half the quantity. This was further rectified—as long as the operator thought necessary—to produce brandy.
To shorten these several distillations, which were long and troublesome, a chemical instrument was invented that reduced them to a single distillation. To test the purity of the rectified spirit of wine, a portion was ignited. If the entire contents were consumed without leaving any impurities behind, then the liquor was good. Another, better test involved putting a little gunpowder in the bottom of the spirit. If the gunpowder took fire when the spirit was consumed, then the liquor was good.[4]
As most brandies have been distilled from grapes, the regions of the world producing excellent brandies have roughly paralleled those areas producing grapes for viniculture. At the end of the 19th century, the western European markets, including by extension their overseas empires, were dominated by French and Spanish brandies and eastern Europe was dominated by brandies from the Black Sea region, including Bulgaria, the Crimea, and Georgia. In 1880, David Saradjishvili founded his Cognac Factory in Tbilisi, Georgia, a crossroads for Turkish, Central Asian, and Persian trade routes and a part of the Russian Empire at the time. Armenian and Georgian brandies, called cognacs in the era, were considered some of the best in the world and often beat their French competitors at the International Expositions in Paris and Brussels in the early 1900s. The storehouses of the Romanov Court in St. Petersburg were regarded as the largest collections of cognacs and wines in the world with much of it from the Transcaucasus region of Georgia. During the October Revolution of 1917, upon the storming of the Winter Palace, the Bolshevik Revolution actually paused for a week or so as the participants gorged on the substantial stores of cognac and wines. The Russian market was always a huge brandy-consuming region in which home-grown varieties were common but much of it was imported. The patterns of bottles followed that of the western European norm. Throughout the Soviet era, the production of brandy was a source of pride for the communist regime as they continued to produce some excellent varieties, especially the most famous Jubilee Brandies of 1967, 1977, and 1987. Remaining bottles of these productions are highly sought after, not simply for their quality, but for their historical significance.

Terminology and legal definitions

According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica and general colloquial usage of the term, brandy may also be made from pomace and from fermented fruit other than grapes.[3]
If a beverage comes from a particular fruit (or multiple fruits) other than exclusively grapes, or from the must of such fruit, it may be referred to as a "fruit brandy" or "fruit spirit" or named using the specific fruit, such as "peach brandy", rather than just generically as "brandy". If pomace is the raw material, the beverage may be called "pomace brandy", "marc brandy", "grape marc", "fruit marc spirit", or "grape marc spirit". Grape pomace brandy may be designated as "grappa" or "grappa brandy".[5] Apple brandy may be referred to as "applejack".[5] There is also a product called "grain brandy" that is made from grain spirits.[6]
Within particular jurisdictions, there are specific regulatory requirements regarding the labelling of products identified as brandy. For example:
  • In the European Union, there are regulations[7] that require products labelled as brandy, except "grain brandy", to be produced exclusively from the distillation or redistillation of grape-based wine or grape-based "wine fortified for distillation" and aged a minimum of six months in oak.[8] Alcoholic beverages imported to the EU from the United States or other non-EC states can be sold within the European Union using labels that refer to them as "fruit brandy" or "pomace brandy", but such a label cannot be used in the EU for products produced in an EC member state.[citation needed]
  • In the US, brandy that has been produced from other than grape wine must be labelled with a clarifying description of the type of brandy production such as "peach brandy", "fruit brandy", "dried fruit brandy", or "pomace brandy" and brandy that has not been aged in oak for at least two years must be labelled as "immature".[5]
  • In Canada, the regulations regarding naming conventions for brandy are similar to those of the US (provisions B.02.050–061). The minimum specified aging period is six months in wood, although not necessarily oak (provision B.02.061.2). Caramel, fruit, other botanical substances, flavourings, and flavouring preparations may also be included in a product called brandy (provisions B.02.050–059).[9]
Within the European Union, the German term Weinbrand is legally equivalent to the English term "brandy", but outside the German-speaking countries it is particularly used to designate brandy from Austria and Germany. In Poland, brandy is sometimes called winiak, from wino (wine).


There are three main types of brandy. The term "brandy" denotes grape brandy if the type is not otherwise specified.

Grape brandy

Grape brandy is produced by the distillation of fermented grapes.
Brandy de Jerez in barrels aging.
  • Albanian grape brandy (Rakı e Rushi) is the most popular and traditional alcoholic beverage in Albania and the Albanian regions of Eastern Montenegro.
  • Lazova rakija in Macedonia, Lozovača in Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, Muskatova or Grozdova in Bulgaria are well known grape brandies in the Balkans. Some of these brandies are aged and some are non-aged. Balkan folks call this type of brandy Rakia, Rakija or Raki.
  • American grape brandy is almost always from California.[3] Popular brands include Christian Brothers and Korbel.
  • Armenian brandy has been produced since the 1880s and comes from the Ararat plain in the southern part of Armenia. Bottles on the market are aged anywhere from 3 to 20 years.
  • Armagnac is made from grapes of the Armagnac region in the southwest of France, Gers, Landes and Lot-et-Garonne. It is single-continuous distilled in a copper still and aged in oak casks from Gascony or Limousin. Armagnac was the first distilled spirit in France.[citation needed] Armagnacs have a specificity: they offer vintage qualities. Popular brands are Darroze, Baron de Sigognac, Larressingle, Delord, Laubade, Gélas and Janneau.
  • Metaxa, the first alcoholic drink consumed in space,[citation needed] is a Greek distilled spirit invented by Spyros Metaxas in 1888, continuing the tradition of making distilled wines since Classical antiquity. Mature distillates are made from sun-dried Savatiano, Sultana and Black Corinth grape varieties blended with an aged Muscat wine from the Greek islands of Samos and Lemnos then aged for 3 to 80 years. The "12 stars dry" and "Grand Reserve" varieties have no added Muscat wine. Metaxa's varieties range from the 3 stars, 5 stars, 7 stars, 12 stars, and the12 stars Grand Olympian Reserve (dry) to the Private Reserve, aged for at least 30 years, and the METAXA AEN that is aged for 80 years in the No1 cask of Spyros Metaxas. The number of stars represents the number of years the blend is matured. Metaxa cellars are in Kifissia, an affluent suburb of Athens, Greece. In the past, Metaxa was considered a 'cognac', but now only brandies from the Cognac region of France can be called cognacs. Metaxa has been a sponsor of major sporting events including the World Cup and FA Cup. Metaxa is exported to over 60 countries and is the most popular brandy in travel retail worldwide.[citation needed]
  • Cognac comes from the Cognac region of France,[3] and is double distilled using pot stills. Popular brands include Hine, Martell, Camus, Otard, Rémy Martin, Hennessy, Frapin, Delamain and Courvoisier.
  • Brandy de Jerez is a brandy that originates from vineyards around Jerez de la Frontera in Andalusia, Spain.[10] It is used in some sherries and is also available as a separate product. It has a Protected Designation of Origin (PDO). The traditional production method has three characteristics:
  • Kanyak is a variety from Turkey whose name is a variation of "cognac" and also mean "burn blood" in Turkish, a reference to its use in cold weather.
  • Pisco is a strong, colorless to amber coloured brandy produced in specific regions of Chile and Peru. The name Pisco derives from the Peruvian port of the same name. Pisco is still made in Peru and Chile but the right to produce and market it is subject to disputes between both countries.[12]
  • South African grape brandies are, by law, made almost exactly as Cognac, using a double-distillation process in copper pot stills followed by aging in oak barrels for a minimum of three years. Because of this, South African brandies are a very high quality.[13]
  • Cyprus brandy differs from other varieties in that its alcohol concentration is only 32% ABV (64 US proof).[citation needed]
  • Bejois Brandy is a grape brandy produced in India and most popular in the southern states.
  • Grape brandy is also produced in many other countries, including Bulgaria, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Macedonia, Mexico, Moldova, Romania and Ukraine.[citation needed]
The European Union and some other countries legally enforce the use of the name Cognac as the exclusive name for brandy produced and distilled in the Cognac area of France and the name Armagnac for brandy from the Gascony area of France. Both must also be made using traditional techniques. Since these are considered PDO, a brandy made elsewhere in a manner identical to the method used to make Cognac and which tastes similar to Cognac, cannot be called Cognac in places that restrict the use of that term to products made in the Cognac region of France. Such places include other parts of Europe, the United States and Canada.

Fruit brandy

A bottle of Calvados, a French fruit brandy made from apples.
Fruit brandies are distilled from fruits other than grapes. Apples, peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, elderberries, raspberries, and blackberries are the most commonly used fruits. Fruit brandy usually contains 40% to 45% ABV (80 to 90 US proof). It is often colourless. Fruit brandy is customarily drunk chilled or over ice, but is occasionally mixed. For example, blackberry brandy and Coca-Cola are mixed to make a popular New England drink called "the blackbird".
  • Applejack is an American apple brandy made from the distillation of hard cider. It was once made by fractional freezing which would disqualify it as a proper brandy.
  • Buchu brandy is South African and flavoured with extracts from Agathosma species.
  • Calvados is an apple brandy from the French region of Lower Normandy.[3] It is double distilled from fermented apples.
  • Damassine brandy is made with the prune fruit of the Damassinier tree in the Jura Mountains of Switzerland
  • Coconut brandy is a brandy made from the sap of coconut flowers.
  • Eau de vie is a French term for colorless fruit brandy. This term is also applied to grape-based brandy other than armagnac and cognac.
  • German Schnaps is fruit brandy produced in Germany or Austria.
  • Kirschwasser is a fruit brandy made from cherries.[3]
  • Kukumakranka brandy is South African and flavoured with the ripe fruit of the Kukumakranka.
  • Pálenka or "Pálené" is a common traditional description for Slovak brandy. It must be distilled from Slovakian wild or domestic fruits whose native name ends in -ica.
  • Pálinka is a traditional Hungarian fruit brandy.[3] It can only be made with fruits from Hungary, such as plums, apricots, peaches, elderberries, pears, apples or cherries.
  • Poire Williams is made from the Williams pear, also known as the Bartlett pear.
  • Rakia is a type of fruit brandy produced in Albania, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia: it may be made from plums, apples, quinces, pears, apricots, cherries, mulberries, grapes, or walnuts.
  • Slivovitz is a strong fruit brandy made from plums. It is produced in Croatia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Poland.
  • Țuică is a clear Romanian fruit brandy made from plums, apples, pears, apricots, mulberries, peaches, quinces, or mixtures of these. Romania and Moldova also produce a grape brandy called vin ars (burnt wine) or divin.

Pomace brandy

Marc de Bourgogne. Unlike many, this pomace brandy from Burgundy, France, is aged (Tres Vieux, Very Old), which gives it its caramel colour.
Pomace brandy, also called marc in both English and French, is produced by fermentation and distillation of the grape skins, seeds, and stems that remain after grapes have been pressed to extract their juice for making wine. Most pomace brandies are neither aged nor coloured.
Examples of pomace brandy are:


A batch distillation typically works as follows:
Wine with an alcohol concentration of 8% to 12% ABV (16 to 24 US proof) and high acidity is boiled in a pot still. Vapours of alcohol, water, and numerous aromatic components rise and are collected in a condenser coil, where they become a liquid again. Because alcohol and the aromatic components vaporise at a lower temperature than water, the concentration of alcohol in the condensed liquid (the distillate) is higher than in the original wine.
After one distillation, the distillate, called "low wine," will contain roughly 30% alcohol by volume (60 US proof). The low wine is then distilled a second time. The first 1% or so of distillate that is produced, called the "head," has an alcohol concentration of about 83% (166 US proof) and an unpleasant odour, so it is discarded (generally, mixed with another batch of low wine, thereby entering the distillation cycle again). The distillation process continues, yielding a distillate of approximately 70% alcohol (140 US proof) (called the "heart"), which is what will be consumed as brandy. The portion of low wine that remains after distillation, called the "tail," will be mixed into another batch of low wine (so that the tail enters the distillation cycle again, as does the head).
Distillation does not simply enhance the alcohol content of wine. The heat under which the product is distilled and the material of the still (usually copper) cause chemical reactions to take place during distillation. This leads to the formation of numerous new volatile aroma components, changes in relative amounts of aroma components in the wine, and the hydrolysis of components such as esters.

Pot stills vs. column stills

Cognac and South African "pot still brandy" are examples of brandy produced in batches using pot stills (batch distillation). Many American brandies use fractional distillation in column stills to perform their distillation.
Special pot stills with a fractionating section on top are used for Armagnac.


Brandy is produced using one of three aging methods:
  • No aging: Most pomace brandy and some fruit brandy is not aged before bottling. The resulting product is typically clear and colourless.
  • Single barrel aging: Brandies with a natural golden or brown colour are aged in oak casks. Some brandies have caramel colour added to simulate the appearance of barrel aging.
  • Solera process: Some brandies, particularly those from Spain, are aged using the solera system.


Brandy has a traditional quality rating system, although its use is unregulated outside of Cognac and Armagnac. These indicators can usually be found on the label near the brand name:
  • A.C.: aged two years in wood.
  • V.S.: "Very Special" or 3-Star, aged at least three years in wood.
  • V.S.O.P.: "Very Superior Old Pale" or 5-Star, aged at least five years in wood.
  • X.O.: "Extra Old" aged at least six years in wood.
  • Vintage: Stored in the cask until the time it is bottled with the label showing the vintage date.
  • Hors d'age: These are too old to determine the age, although ten years plus is typical.
In the case of Brandy de Jerez, the Consejo Regulador de la Denominacion Brandy de Jerez classifies it according to:
  • Brandy de Jerez Solera – one year old.
  • Brandy de Jerez Solera Reserva – three years old.
  • Brandy de Jerez Solera Gran Reserva – ten years old.
For the East Asian liquor, see Arrack.
Arak, or araq, is an alcoholic spirit (~40–63% Alc. Vol./~80–126 proof) from the anis drinks family. It is a clear, colorless, unsweetened anise-flavored distilled alcoholic drink (also labeled as an Apéritif). It is the traditional alcoholic beverage in Lebanon, Iraq,[1][2] Syria,[1][2] Palestine,[2] Jordan,[2] and Israel.[2]


The word arak comes from Arabic ′araq ﻋﺮﻕ, meaning "sweat", its pronunciation varies depending on local varieties of Arabic: /ʕaraʔ, ʕaraɡ/. Arak is not to be confused with the similarly named liquor, arrack (which in some cases, such as in Indonesia—especially Bali, also goes by the name arak). Another similarly sounding word is aragh, which in Armenia, Iran, Azerbaijan and Georgia is the colloquial name of vodka, and not an aniseed-flavored drink. Raki and ouzo are aniseed-flavored alcoholic drinks, related to arak, popular in Turkey and Cyprus, and Greece, respectively.


Arak with water and ice
Arak is usually mixed in approximately 1/3 arak and 2/3 water in a traditional Levantine water vessel called barik, Arabic barīq ﺑﺮﻳﻖ; then the mixture is poured in small, ice-filled cups, as in the picture. This dilution causes the clear liquor to turn a translucent milky-white color; this is because anethole, the essential oil of anise, is soluble in alcohol but not in water. This results in an emulsion, whose fine droplets scatter the light and turn the liquid translucent, a phenomenon known as louching. Arak is commonly served with mezza, which could include dozens of small traditional dishes. Most arak drinkers prefer to consume it this way, rather than alone. It is also well consumed with barbecues, along with garlic sauce.[3]
If ice is added after pouring in the cup, it results in the formation of an aesthetically unpleasant skin on the surface of the drink, because the ice causes the oils to solidify out in the arak. If water is added first, the ethanol causes the fat to emulsify, leading to the characteristic milky color. To avoid the precipitation of the anise (instead of emulsion), drinkers prefer not to reuse an arak-filled glass. In restaurants, when a bottle of arak is ordered, the waiter will usually bring a number of glasses along with it for this reason, whilst at home with regular drinkers it is deemed unnecessary.[citation needed]

Major brands

The most commonly known Arak brands are:


  • Asriyah
  • Tayyara


"Arak Rayan" from Syria
  • Batta (ﺍﻟﺒﻄﹽﺔ)
  • Dinan (ﺩﻧﺎﻥ)
  • Al-Hayat (ﺍﻟﺤﻴﺎﺓ)
  • Al Mimas (ﺍﻟﻤﻴﻤﺎﺱ)
  • Rayan (ﺍﻟﺮﻳﹽﺎﻥ)
  • Al Jaraa (الجرة)
  • Jododona (جدودنا)
  • Brdone (بردوني)
  • Al Reef (الريف)


  • As Samir (السمير)
  • Arak el Rif (ﻋﺮﻕ ﺍﻟﺮﻳﻒ)
  • Batroun Mountains (جبال البترون)
  • Brun (ﺑﺮﺍﻥ)
  • Al-Laytany (ﺍﻟﻠﻴﻄﺎﻧﻲ)
  • Al-Shallal (الشلال)
  • Al-Zahlawi (زحلاوي)
  • El Massaya (ﻣﺴﺎﻳﺎ)
  • Fakra (ﻓﻘﺮﺍ)
  • Ghantous and Abi Raad (ﻏﻨﻄﻮﺱ ﻭ ﺃﺑﻲ ﺭﻋﺪ)
  • Kefraya (كفرَيا)
  • Ksarak (ﻛﺴﺎﺭﺍﻙ)
  • Layali Loubnan (ﻟﻴﺎﻟﻲ ﻟﺒﻨﺎﻥ)
  • Musar (ﻣزﺍﺭ)
  • Nakd (ﻧﻜﺪ)
  • Riachi (ﺭﻳﺎﺷﻲ)
  • Tazka (ﺗﺰﻛﺎ)
  • Touma (ﺗﻮﻣﺎ)
  • Wardy (ورده)
  • ( عرق ملحم يوسف ( نخب أول من نبتة الملفوف والصبار

Palestinian Territories

Palestinian Arak
  • Ramallah Golden Arak (عرق رام الله الذهبي)
  • Sabat Arak (عرق صابات)


  • Haddad (حداد)
  • Zumout (زعمط)


Arak Kawar of Nazareth
  • Arak Kawar (عرق قعوار)
  • Elite Ha'arak (עלית הארק)
  • Arak Ashkelon (ארק אשקלון)
  • Aluf Ha'arak (אלוף הערק)
  • Arak El Namroud (ערק אל-נמרוד)
  • Arak Ha'Namal 40 (ערק הנמל 40)
  • Arak Mabruoka (ערק מברוקה)
  • Arak Masada (ערק מצדה)


Distillation begins with the vineyards, and quality grapevines are the key to making good arak.[4] The vines should be very mature and usually of a golden color. Instead of being irrigated, the vineyards are left to the care of the Mediterranean climate and make use of the natural rain and sun. The grapes, which are harvested in late September and October, are crushed and put in barrels together with the juice (in Arabic El romeli) and left to ferment for three weeks. Occasionally the whole mix is stirred to release the CO2.
Numerous stills exist including stainless steel or copper, pot and column stills that will affect the final taste and specificity of the arak. The authentic copper with a Moorish shape are the most searched after.[5]
The finished product is made during the second distillation. The alcohol collected in the first distillation is distilled again but this time it is mixed with aniseed. The ratio of alcohol to aniseed may vary and it is one of the major factors in the quality of the final product. Another distillation takes place, usually on the lowest possible temperature.
For a quality arak, the finished spirit is aged in clay amphoras to allow the angel's share to evaporate and thus the remaining liquid is the most suitable for consumption. The aging process is around twelve months at El Massaya that owns the largest aging capacity in Lebanon.[2]


Numerous varieties of arak are popular in all the countries bordering the Mediterranean. In the Levant (Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Syria and Israel) it is distilled from fermented grape juice or, at times, sugar, and is considered by the inhabitants to be greatly superior to similar hard liquors in other countries. Other similar drinks are the arak of Iraq, made from fermented date juice, and the zibib of Egypt, a peasant-made drink. The same spirit is called Ouzo in Greece, Mastika in Republic of Macedonia and Bulgaria and Rakı in Turkey; they are made from a variety of products like grain, molasses, plums, figs and potatoes. An Iranian variant called Aragh is produced without anise, and has a higher alcohol content than other varieties.
Further west, along the northern shores of the Mediterranean, anisette, French pastis and Spanish ojén, served as aperitifs or refreshers, are all sweeter versions of arak.

See also


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b Kjeilen, Tore. "Arak". LookLex Encyclopaedia. Retrieved 2 December 2012. "Arak today is largely a product of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq."
  2. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f "Arak: Liquid Fire". The Economist. December 2003. Retrieved 2 December 2012. "Syrians, Israelis, Palestinians, Jordanians and Iraqis [...] have long happily quaffed their own araks. But most would concede that the best of the lot is Lebanese."
  3. Jump up ^ Arak and Mezze: The Taste of Lebanon by Michael Karam
  4. Jump up ^ Another Anise Spirit Worth Knowing, New York Times, August 2010, http://www.nytimes.com/2010/08/04/dining/04arak.html
  5. Jump up ^ Arak and Mezze: The Taste of Lebanon by Michael Karam

Sources and external links